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New comprehensive strategy for cooperation with Southern Africa
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2122

New comprehensive strategy for cooperation with Southern Africa

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On 15 April, the Government of Flanders approved the new strategy for cooperation with Southern Africa. With this strategy "Flanders and Southern Africa: Partners in a changed world", the Government of Flanders wants to relaunch its bilateral relations with a region that Flanders has been working with for more than twenty years. 

This approved strategy paper is the first in a series of bilateral strategy papers, all contributing to achieving  the socio-economic agenda of the Government as stipulated in "Vision 2050". The strategy also aims at contributing to achieving international policy agendas, particularly the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the Climate Agreement of Paris. Climate resilience, green economy and  regional cooperation are important topics.

The Department of Foreign Affairs supports all members of the Government and the administration in their activities aimed at cooperation with southern Africa. The General Representation in Pretoria serves as an outpost and facilitator for the implementation of the strategy.

Minister-president Geert Bourgeois: "Since 1994 a lot has changed for Flanders and its partners in Southern Africa. The time has come to reassess our relationships. With this new strategy for Southern Africa, Flanders wants to show itself a reliable, flexible and innovative partner. We want to work together towards a partnership based on political dialogue, common interests and international goals, hence the greater focus on climate resilience, green economy and regional cooperation in the new strategy."

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