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New Deputy General Representative in Lilongwe
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2207

New Deputy General Representative in Lilongwe

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Having given her a few weeks to settle in, it is with great pleasure that we welcome our newest colleague, Sofie Geerts. Sofie is the Deputy General Representative of the Government of Flanders in our satellite office in Lilongwe since the beginning of 2021.

Sofie holds Masters Degrees in African Languages and Culture as well as in International Relations and Diplomacy and a Doctorate in Development Studies from the University of South Africa.

She has been working in Africa for a number of years. Her most recent position was in Rwanda, where she worked as team leader and technical advisor on local economic and private sector development for the Belgian Development Agency (ENABEL) from September 2015 until taking up her post with the General Representation of the Government of Flanders in January 2021. Sofie brings a wealth of experience in project and programme management to the office in Lilongwe. We wish her every success in this venture and look forward to working closely with her in the coming years.
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