March 2 News Flemish presidency of Prosaúde On January 1 2021, Flanders took over the presidency of Prosaúde from Spain. Prosaúde is the common fund to finance healthcare in Mozambique. The...
2 million Euro for health sector in Mozambique On 26 October, the Government of Flanders approved a grant of 2 million euros to PROSAUDE, the joint fund for the health sector in Mozambique. By...
Bilateral Consultation between the Governments of Flanders and Mozambique On 16 October, the 7th Bilateral Consultation between the Governments of Flanders and Mozambique was held in Maputo. The primary objective of the...
Flanders grants € 1,2 million to the International Centre for Reproductive Health - Mozambique On 5 October, the Government of Flanders granted € 1,2 million to the International Centre for Reproductive Health - Mozambique for a project...
Government of Flanders supports a Viva Africa project for HIV prevention in Mozambique The Government of Flanders has decided to allocate 350.000 euros to ngo Viva Africa for the ‘Improving women’s health’ project...